DiversEarth is an organisation working for nature, culture and spirituality
At DiversEarth, we believe that the outside world is a reflection of how we are inside. Greed and ignorance within leads to the chaos we see in the world today, including inequity, violence, disease and environmental decline. On the other side, beauty within leads to acts of compassion.
Now, more than ever before, humanity must transform how it views and interacts with nature. Now there is a great urgency for a shift from mindless use to mindful care. DiversEarth aims to contribute to that sustainable transformation, a transformation to a better world.
This is why we work at the special interface between Nature, Culture and Spirit. And this is why we work with indigenous peoples, local and spiritual communities who protect nature by the way they live their lives.
DiversEarth is a small organisation with big energy, set up to protect natural sites and the people and cultures attached to them.
We work with custodians of lands and waters to enhance the protection, management, and restoration of Sacred Natural Sites.
We support and celebrate innovative cultural practices, like mobile pastoralism, that benefit nature and biodiversity around the world.
And we engage with faith-based leaders, communities and networks to find culturally appropriate ways of protecting the natural world.

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Protected by Prayer: Sacred Natural Sites of the Mediterranean
Religious and spiritual communities across the Mediterranean protect nature and its gifts in many different ways, perhaps most notably in the Sacred Natural Sites for which they care. In collaboration with leading scientists and spiritual custodians, DiversEarth enquires into the extend and form of this varied cultural practice with an inventory of hundreds of sites and an indepth look at the people, their beliefs and teachings that translate into the greatest care for nature in the Mediterranean.
Order your copies, email liza@diversearth.org.
Highlights of our recent work
Hidden Treasures and Peaceful Moments in the Parc du Jura Vaudois, Switzerland
A visual exploration of natural and cultural heritage in the protected area of the Parc du Jura Vaudois
Trésors cachés et moments de paix dans le Parc du Jura Vaudois, Suisse
Une exploration visuelle du patrimoine naturel et culturel dans l’aire protégée du Parc du Jura Vaudois
New brochure: The roots of overgrazing in Morocco
Our brochure “The Roots of Overgrazing in Morocco: A pastoralist’s perspective” is based on the findings of a new research and suggests some key solutions from a pastoralist perspective.
Available in English, French and Arabic.
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