DiversEarth is a non-governmental organisation (NGO) supporting projects that connect people and nature.
Our strategy
Together with partners we think outside the box, and come up with creative yet practical ideas and solutions to help deliver culturally appropriate conservation and protect some of the most special places on earth.
We meet every project with dedication, creativity, love, and hard work.
Our approach
Our approach is holistic. We try to make the biggest impact possible and therefore will look at creating influence by: writing and publishing articles, speaking publicly at international conferences, facilitating dialogues, celebrating creatively through art, and raising awareness through on the ground engagement and pilot projects.
The Team
The Core Team
Programme Development, Sacred Sites, Protected Areas, Religions and Conservation
Sandra Spissinger-Bang – Programmes and Operations | sandra@diversearth.org
Project and Financial Management, Ethnobotany
Divya Venkatesh – Communications | divya@diversearth.org
Graphic Design and Illustration, Creative Solutions
DiversEarth Board
President – David Pritchett (Specialist in sustainability and accountability)
Secretary – Sarah Eckersley (Specialist in language, education and capacity building)
Treasurer – Ihab Zogib (Financial advice)
Founding member and Special Advisor– Alexander Belokurov (Specialist in conservation strategies, protected areas and sustainable landscapes, visual communications and photography)
Our active Board and International Advisors bring energy in abundance to all that we undertake.
Riamsara Kuyakannon Knap (Specialist in environmental conservation and Buddhist beliefs and practices in Bhutan, with a focus on sacred natural sites)
Nigel Dudley (Active member of IUCN’s World Commission on Protected Areas (WCPA) and its Commission on Environmental, Economic and Social Policy (CEESP), and the Species Survival Commission.)
This is DiversEarth

Collaborations and partnerships
Partnering with the right people in the right places is key. We are fortunate to work with some amazing people around the world. Here are some of the main groups we are happy to work with and support.
Liza is co-chair of the IUCN Specialist Group on Religions, Spirituality and Environmental Conservation and Climate Justice (part of IUCN’s CEESP).
IUCN CEM – South East Asia
Liza is a member of the Core Group for South East Asia within the IUCN Commission on Critical Ecosystem Management (CEM).
We are also a member of WCPA (IUCN’s World Commission on Protected Areas) and the Specialist Group on Cultural and Spiritual Values of Protected Areas.
Mediterranean Consortium for Nature and Culture
DiversEarth is a founding member of The Mediterranean Consortium for Nature and Culture working on cultural practices that benefit nature in this hugely diverse region.
ICE Network
DiversEarth is happy to be part of the ICE network – the Interreligious Climate and Ecology Network.
We also support the activities of INEB – the International Network of Engaged Buddhists, in particular work on Eco-temples.
DiversEarth Brochures
Being a small team doesn’t stop us from doing big things. Check our brochures and annual activities reports, subscribe for our updates and follow us on social media.
Check our DiversEarth brochure summarising our strategic approach: